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4share - Primordia - SKIDROW



4share - Primordia - SKIDROW   8290825936_c6b6cfdbf3_z

Ages have passed since legendary Man walked the planet. Now, in the desolate wastelands beyond the city of Metropol, a solitary robot named Horatio jealously guards his freedom and independence. All that is taken away from him when a marauding foe steals his power source, forcing him to leave the safety of his home and set out on a perilous journey into the wastes — and into his own mysterious past.

Primordia is a point-and-click adventure game that combines the challenge and depth of the classics with a streamlined interface and a player-friendly design: puzzles emphasize logical thinking and exploration, rather than trial and error or endless backtracking. The game features over fifty hand-drawn rooms to explore, dozens of distinctive characters and complex machines to interact with, and gorgeous painted cutscenes to soak in. And, as some might note, it features a sarcastic floating sidekick named Crispin


A bleak, postapocalyptic future after the death of Man.
Evocative hand-drawn game art.
Fully voiced voiceover featuring Logan Cunningham (Bastion, Resonance) as Horatio.
Trích dẫn:
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Wadjet Eye Games
Developer: Wormwood Studios

Release Name: Primordia-SKIDROW
Size: 1.38 GB

4share - Primordia - SKIDROW   Screenshot1a_23641.nphd4share - Primordia - SKIDROW   Primordia4share - Primordia - SKIDROW   Primordia-1-43903947396296258469412792010497

1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Block the game in your firewall if needed
5. Play the game

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